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Pod Project & Capsules
What is a "pod"?
Each pod is 7’ x 8’ and is constructed with steel. Each pod includes a bed, desk and a locked area to store belongings and will have a curtain (truck tarp) surrounding it to give some private space. There are two 2’x2’ 3/16” thick steel lock boxes with very heavy doors so that the resident can lock up their personal belongings and know they will not get stolen. This is underneath a desk that a person could use to get ahead with studying, job/housing hunting, etc.
Why not just a regular bed?
The goal of the pods is to create a safe and private space for each individual and give them a secure space for their belongings. The pods are designed to function as a place to sleep and have personal space while living in a community setting. We want to create a safe place (Sanctuary) where they can get away from people (close the curtain, put on headphones, etc.) yet still be part of a community. Loneliness is a huge factor contributing to depression, which in turn contributes to homelessness. We all need to be part of a community but also need our “own space.”
Cost Estimation
Each pod will cost approximately $1,500 including mattresses and bedding. This is purchasing some pre-cut, pre-formed steel and making the rest ourselves. We have made one prototype and are just completing the “jig” phase. Once we get a concrete floor, will be ready to mass produce them using shelter (and former shelter) residence skilled labour. These pods are designed to withstand the rigors of heavy use. We currently need:
- 24 beds for the existing shelter wing. Cost: $36,000
- 16 more for the new section for women. Cost: $24,000
- 12 more for the new section for men. Cost: $18,000
Bed Capsules Project
To house the ones who are currently active drug users, we want to provide a series of capsules. The picture on the right gives you the basic idea but we will work on a prototype that will be more suited to achieve our goals. Research shows that one issue these capsules have is sound transfer from other pods. E.g. Reports are "You can hear your neighbour sneeze." Our idea is to make a pod from fiberglass approximately 1m x 1m x 2.2 m deep (39"x39"x86"). This would allow us to have a pod in a 4'x4' rack with insulation.
Sound Design
These pods would be insulated and would be engineered so that it would stand on 4 rubber mounts. Sound travels from one area to another in two ways, it travels through the air and it travels mechanically through the mass of the structure. By isolating the unit to be suspended on 4 rubber mounts would greatly reduce the amount of sound travelling from one pod to another. We aim to build this to a STC 50 standard (Sound Transmission Class) which effectively means loud sounds are faintly heard. These pods will only have 12v sockets in them for LED lighting and for cell phone charging. We also will work on a white noise generator.
Capacity, Air Flow & Safety Features
We are also looking to put these 4 rubber pads on load cells so we can tell if they are occupied. We could also tell if two people were in a capsule, which we want to prevent. Non "legal for trade" load cells are cost effective; a simple Wheatstone bridge and current trigger is all we need.
These capsules would also have their own personal air vent, to ensure that the proper air change was happening and so that all odours would be vented outside.
There will be one air-conditioning unit per room. A group of pods would share a heat recovery (HRV) unit such as the Greentek PH 7.15 ES HRV. We are working on each pod having a separate mini condenser to allow the air to be cooled. Each pod would receive fresh air from the outside, and the stale air would be exhausted to the outside via HRV. The target is 6 air changes per hour which would be 10 cfm/pod. Using a common air duct to feed all the capsules will just help pass the noise from one capsule to another.
Research shows that using an HRV, with a separate acoustical duct going to a common header, at the HRV, should attenuate the sound sufficiently. Each pod will have its own temperature control and rate of air exchange. When the load cells detect a person is in there, it will ensure the proper, legally required air exchange is working. When the pod is empty, no HRV is required.
Pods will also have a sprinkler install, which will go off if any smoke is detected...including cigarette smoke. Policing smoking, in non-designated areas, is always a challenge. After a few soggy encounters, it is our hope that residents will learn the consequences of smoking in a capsule and we are sure the word will get out not to try it.
Estimated Cost
Each pod's load cells, lights, smoke alarm, etc. will be run by an Arduino unit. We still need to have someone to help us with that, but materials should be less than $20 each.
Our best estimation is each capsule will cost $2,000 each.
We are in liaison with Lambton College research park for grants and opportunities for budding engineers to work on this. It was already proposed to the Engineering student council via a student.